Afrobeats, Dancehall, Hip Hop, R&B, & Soca Music Playlists curated by DJs for DJs.

The tracks in our playlists are all arranged by bpm, topic, key and can all be mixed seamlessly by professional or novice DJs. We take sequencing very seriously and we don’t just put random tracks together, we group similar tracks to maintain a particular vibe. This is what makes a playlist flow.

If you are not a DJ and you have no idea, what bpm or key means, you just need to know that tracks with similar bpm and key sounds great together. Our playlist are all curated based on these factors.  Check them out for yourself. These are some of the best playlists you will ever hear.

dancehall playlists

Fresh From Kingston | New Dancehall Playlist 2021

Clean | Explicit “Fresh From Kingston” Dancehall Playlist features the hottest new songs in Jamaican Dancehall right now. Songs are deemed ‘hot’ based on music charts data. “Fresh From Kingston” is a DJ created-and-approved Spotify playlist that is updated weekly as new songs become hot.Tracks are expertly arranged based on BPM and key, so they can

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afrobeats music playlists

Hip Hop Playlists :

Soca Playlists :

Check out our playlists on the streaming platforms below.

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