Fresh From Kingston | New Dancehall Playlist 2021

dancehall playlists

“Fresh From Kingston” Dancehall Playlist features the hottest new songs in Jamaican Dancehall right now. Songs are deemed ‘hot’ based on music charts data. “Fresh From Kingston” is a DJ created-and-approved Spotify playlist that is updated weekly as new songs become hot.Tracks are expertly arranged based on BPM and key, so they can be easily mixed by a DJ playing a Dancehall set. 

Please be aware that the clean version of this playlist may not have all the same songs as the explicit. Not every song has a clean version.

One of the hottest song on this spotify playlist is: 10Tik - Roll Deep

Follow Global Music Playlist on Spotify or follow the individual playlist

dancehall playlists

Fresh From Kingston | New Dancehall Playlist 2021

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